Debian – When will Debian switch to Linux 4.x? ( and support the live kernel patching ? )


Wikipedia says that current Debian 8.2 Jessie is based on kernel
3.16.0, so I was wondering when a native version based on kernel 4.x
would be released and if the live kernel patching will be there as
feature with the 4.x.

I searched for a Debian roadmap on Google, but I found nothing about
the kernel.

Best Answer

While it is still not a given, officially most probably the last quarter of 2016, with the release of Debian 9. In the meanwhile, you can start using testing, compile it yourself or using a version compiled by someone else. I am using armbian in a Raspberry Pi like-device (Lamobo R1), which is Jessie, and using a v4.x put together by the armbian guys. On my Intel servers at work I plan to go soon to v4 too with Debian 8.

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