Debian squeeze after end-of-life


I need to install from scratch a debian 6 squeeze on a computer (well, actually a few of them). 2 weeks ago (Feb 29) debian 6 squeeze reached end-of-life status.

I tried to modify the default /etc/apt/sources.lists file trying to point to the new dists folder structure, without success.

My best bet is:

deb squeeze-lts main contrib non-free

But this does not work. The error I get is

root@debian:/etc/apt# apt-get update
Hit squeeze-lts Release.gpg
Ign squeeze-lts/contrib Translation-en
Ign squeeze-lts/contrib Translation-en_US
Ign squeeze-lts/main Translation-en
Ign squeeze-lts/main Translation-en_US
Ign squeeze-lts/non-free Translation-en
Ign squeeze-lts/non-free Translation-en_US
Hit squeeze-lts Release
W: Failed to fetch
Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)

I have checked the contents of this Release file and indeed it contains a broken reference that I may detail if required.

My question is: Should I give up hacking / debugging with this issue, and move along debian 7 / 8? I am already using debian 8.1 with my development machine, but we need debian 6 for legacy deployed machines that do not have internet. Migrating these machines is not easily possible.

Follows a rant: Why the debian developers want to force us to upgrade distribution? If our solution works on debian 6, we do not want to take risks, and spend time and money migrating on every release. Give us the freedom you claim to promote!

Best Answer

To install Debian 6 (or 6 LTS) you need to use; e.g. in your sources.list:

deb squeeze main contrib non-free
deb squeeze-lts main contrib non-free

As to your rant, while I understand your frustration, it's a cost issue: keeping a release around on the main mirror network costs storage space (and hence money, indirectly), and creates support expectations which can't be fulfilled within the existing LTS (or project more generally) framework.

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