Restarting Gnome 3 in Debian Wheezy – Steps


What's the correct way to restart Gnome 3 (and Xorg) under Debian 7.0 Wheezy?

I've seen older documentation on how to this, but it is outdated.

The ctrl+alt+backspace shortcut no longer works by default.

Running sudo /etc/init.d/gdm3 restart from Gnome terminal just gives me a blank screen with blinking underscore and never properly reboots the X session.

Best Answer

You need to issue the command for restarting the X server from outside the X session:

  • Switch to a virtual terminal using CTRL+ALT+Fi with i falling between 1 to 6 inclusive (2 to 7 inclusive if you're on Fedora or RHEL).
  • Log in at the prompt
  • Run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm3 restart or sudo service gdm3 restart
  • Reattach to the original screen using CTRL+ALT+Fi, where i is the higher screen number of the original X session, F7 should be the default on Debian
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