Debian 9 – How to Set Up Remote Desktop with Cinnamon Desktop


I have two machines:

1 – $Clients:

dual-boot of

  • Linux Mint 18.2 Cinnamon 64-bit
  • Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

on a laptop.

2 – $Server:

  • GNU/Linux Debian 9 Cinnamon 64-bit

I would like to connect from $Clients to the $Server via Remote desktop to view the main desktop.

Rationale: I opt for RDP protocol because it is integrated both in Windows and Linux (rdesktop).

But hey: It could be VNC for what it matters, I just need to replace the slow TeamViewer with a local connection to server's desktop.

Note: The server is usually running headless, but now I need to do several time-consuming things in the Desktop environment.

I personally used both VNC and RDP when I used Windows, so I have experience with them, but what all do I have to do for this to work on Linux is so far a mystery to me. I googled many guides, but they all differ more or less. And that's where you step in, I hope for a coherent answer to guide me with all aspects.

Best Answer

SSH into debian from linux-mint


There are some problem to connect through VNC to a remote host with cinnamon desktop using the regular way. The problem can be solved by installing x11vnc on the server and using vncviewer to connect.

Install and configure x11vnc:

apt install x11vnc

To configure the password for remote access :

x11vnc -storepasswd

By default the password will be stored under ~/.vnc/passwd

To force connecting using the password run :

x11vnc -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd 

To connect without password run x11vnc.

sample output:

The VNC desktop is:      cinnamon:1

To connect use the following command:

vncviewer ip.address:1

On debian

Install tightvncserver :

apt-get install tightvncserver

Then run :


to set up your password.

Adjust your parametres :

vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x600 -depth 16 -pixelformat rgb565

On linux mint:

install xtightvncviewer :

apt install xtightvncviewer


vncviewer IP-SERVER:5901

To exit run:

vncserver -kill :1
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