Linux – Process Monitor Equivalent for Linux


Is there a Unix/Linux equivalent of Process Monitor, whether GUI or CUI?

If it makes a difference, I'm looking at Ubuntu, but if there's an equivalent for other systems (Mac, other Linux variants like Fedora, etc.) then knowing any of those would be useful too.


Process Monitor is for monitoring system calls (such as file creation or writes), while Process Explorer is for monitoring process status (which is like System Monitor). I'm asking for the former, not the latter. 🙂

Best Answer

The console standby for this is top, but there are alternatives like my favorite htop that give you a little more display flexibility and allow you a few more operations on the processes.

A less interactive view that is better for use in scripts would be the ps program and all it's relatives.

Edit: Based on your clarified question, you might note that strace handles watching system calls made by a given process including all read-write operations and os function calls. You can activate it on the command line before the program you want to track or attach to a running process by hitting s on a process selected in htop.

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