Debian – Package build system for Debian (like Fedora Koji)


I would like to deploy private deb package build machine with web interface and Git integration (probably some kind of Koji). Does it exist?

If not so, I wonder, how these huge amounts of packages in different branches of Debian and Ubuntu are built? Can't believe that all the workflow is designed on the use of debuild via CLI.

Best Answer

After a month of seeking, I still didn't find suitable build system that could meet the needs of our team. So I had to combine a new one from the existing components. Here they are:

  1. Gitlab (SCM server) Jenkins (CI server and build management tool)
  2. Docker (light-weighted isolated environment for builds)
  3. Git-buildpackage (very convenient tool that combines git and debuild; it can create debian/changelog from commits, push tags for release)
  4. Aptly (repository for binary Debian packages);

  5. Small amount of Python "middleware" code;

However, I learned a lot (thanks to Debian developers) from this thread. There are a couple of tools developed by the community that probably can help someone who reading this topic:

  1. jenkins-debian-glue
  2. mini-buildd
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