Debian – No headphones output on Debian Buster


I installed Debian Buster on a Dell Inspiron 5567. This is my soundcard:

inxi -A
Audio:     Card Intel Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio driver: snd_hda_intel Sound: ALSA v: k4.13.0-1-amd64

The laptop's speakers work fine, but I don't get sound out of headphones/speakers when plugged in; automute works though and pavucontrol shows sound directed through the headphones output (attachment follows).Pavucontrol recognises output through headphones I read some other posts on similar issues, but they don't apply in my case. The main reason is that I don't have an alsa-base.conf nor a asound.conf files (the first one is supposed to be on /etc/modprobe.d/ and the other one on /etc/). I checked the links posted on the third link above and I confirmed what I knew already: I only have one soundcard; it has a lot of virtual devices though; screencap follows.Many options for my only sound card

I downloaded and ran and I get the following error:pcilib: sysfs_read_vpd: read failed: Input/output error; I googled it and nothing useful came up (most of the posts refer to lspci). All my alsa level are correctly set on alsamixer, although I get a default card with just one level on execution of alsamixer:Home of alsamixer

Any ideas? Should I create alsa-base.conf and asound.conf? If so, what should be in them? Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that headphones work well on a Sparky Linux (based on Debian Testing) live USB.

Best Answer

Two users on a Debian Facebook group provided the answer for this one. First I had to install libsamplerate0 and uncomment the lines

resample-method = src-sinc-best-quality

on the file /etc/pulse/daemon.conf; actually the first line has other sampling method by default, that's why it is necessary to install libsamplerate0. Then I had to create the file /etc/modprobe.d/alsa.conf with the single line

options snd-hda-intel model=headset-mic

and then restart alsa and pulseaudio services. Now audio works both on the internal speakers and on headphones/speakers plugged in the audio jack.

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