Debian Package Management – List Packages by Installation Date


How can I list installed packages by installation date?

I need to do this on debian/ubuntu. Answers for other distributions would be nice as well.

I installed a lot of stuff to compile a certain piece of code, and I want to get a list of the packages that I had to install.

Best Answer

RPM-based distributions like Red Hat are easy:

rpm -qa --last

On Debian and other dpkg-based distributions, your specific problem is easy too:

grep install /var/log/dpkg.log

Unless the log file has been rotated, in which case you should try:

grep install /var/log/dpkg.log /var/log/dpkg.log.1

In general, dpkg and apt don't seem to track the installation date, going by the lack of any such field in the dpkg-query man page.

And eventually old /var/log/dpkg.log.* files will be deleted by log rotation, so that way isn't guaranteed to give you the entire history of your system.

One suggestion that appears a few times (e.g. this thread) is to look at the /var/lib/dpkg/info directory. The files there suggest you might try something like:

ls -t /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | sed -e 's/\.list$//' | head -n 50

To answer your question about selections, here's a first pass.

build list of packages by dates

$ find /var/lib/dpkg/info -name "*.list" -exec stat -c $'%n\t%y' {} \; | \
    sed -e 's,/var/lib/dpkg/info/,,' -e 's,\.list\t,\t,' | \
    sort > ~/dpkglist.dates

build list of installed packages

$ dpkg --get-selections | sed -ne '/\tinstall$/{s/[[:space:]].*//;p}' | \
    sort > ~/dpkglist.selections

join the 2 lists

$ join -1 1 -2 1 -t $'\t' ~/dpkglist.selections ~/dpkglist.dates \
    > ~/dpkglist.selectiondates

For some reason it's not printing very many differences for me, so there might be a bug or an invalid assumption about what --get-selections means.

You can obviously limit the packages either by using find . -mtime -<days> or head -n <lines>, and change the output format as you like, e.g.

$ find /var/lib/dpkg/info -name "*.list" -mtime -4 | \
    sed -e 's,/var/lib/dpkg/info/,,' -e 's,\.list$,,' | \
    sort > ~/dpkglist.recent

$ join -1 1 -2 1 -t $'\t' ~/dpkglist.selections ~/dpkglist.recent \
    > ~/dpkglist.recentselections

to list only the selections that were installed (changed?) in the past 4 days.

You could probably also remove the sort commands after verifying the sort order used by dpkg --get-selections and make the find command more efficient.

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