Debian – Installation Fails Due to Debootstrap Error ‘Failed to Determine the Codename for the Release’


So I'm trying to install Debian 9.0 to my laptop (UEFI) via DVD and everything worked fine except that the mousepad doesn't work (yet?) and that I'm getting this error:

Debootstrap error
Failed to determine the codename for the release.

at the step "install the base system" after the partitioning.

Any suggestions for what I should try to get it working?
This thread somewhat suggests that some change to my partitioning could solve this issue.
I selected "Guided – Use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM". Changing the 2 ext4 partitions to ext3 didn't help.
Any help is welcome!

Edit: I skipped to step "Check integrity of the CD" and it says The CD of yours is not a valid Debian-CD-ROM. Please change the CD. Note that during installation I connected to the Internet and that I used the same CD for the installation on another PC. Please help.

Edit: Related question of mine. I rebooted and did the integrity-check offline where it says: "Integrity test failed The ./pool/main/k/kde-l10n-de_16.04.3-1_all.deb file failed the MD5 checksum verification. Your CR-ROM or this file may have been corrupted."

Best Answer

This question is old but I just came across a working fix for this.

As it turns out, the issue was caused due to the USB drive being unmounted during the LVM setup process. It might've been a bad USB connector or USB drive.

There is a very easy fix for which you don't even have to reboot or re-do any of the setup again.

  1. Press esc to enter the menu of the installer.
  2. Select Enter a shell (or command prompt)
  3. Run fdisk -l to find out the name and partition of your USB install drive
  4. Run mount /dev/sdc1 /cdrom (replace sdc1 with your USB drive)
  5. Run exit, then go back to Install the base system from the menu

It will continue to install as normal. All credits and thanks go to this guy

On Debian 10 busybox there is no fdisk command, so you can list disk and their partitions using ls /dev/sd*. Once you find your USB partition go to step 4.

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