Debian – KVM – Which Web Based management to use


I would like to became an Expert of managing KVM on debian squeeze.

I still use virt-manager. Yes, it is easy and quiet safe and quick for me.

I tried a lot of web based management UI and non of them was good enough like virt-manager.

You know, I'm one of those guys, who used to have VMware before, where 90% of managing is clicking.

My questions :

1) Are there any CLI "interactive" utility like mc (midnight commander) or something how to control KVM ? (ON/OFF VMs, increasing memmory, reseting VMs, adding virtual hardware, adding new disks, and so on…)

2) Could you recommend me some Web based management UI for KVM on debian squeeze?
Did you see VMware server 2? There is web management. I know it was slow, but it is fine, when you are somewhere without terminal. (for example on android with web browser)
I tried a lots of them, but nothing i tried was working.

3) What tutorials could you recommend me to improve myself in commands to control virsh, kvm and so on? Google is full of low quality tutorials with mistakes and misunderstandings. I need something for debian.

4) Could you recommend me some tutorials how to improve performance for KVM? Google is full of a lot of tutorials, but I need some recommendations from real experts, who knows, how to improve it.

5) How to improve security of KVM? Can solve this problem some Web based UI? (for example accounting, user management ?)

Best Answer


For web-based KVM manager, you can try Proxmox. Instruction for Debian Squeeze is here.

It has command-line tools, but not text-based -- menu-driven.


You should setup a small environment and try it out. Then set out a goal and implement it.


There is no accurate answer/tutorial for this. How tunable your KVM server/client is really depends on how many resources (cpu/ram/storage) are available.


Again, this depends on your environment and it is multi-layers/devices, e.g. routers, firewall, ip-tables, password policy, access policy, etc. I am not aware of a single GUI, web-based or not, that can handle all of that including the KVM. (OK, there is cloudmin, but I have no experience with that at all)

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