Debian Jessie getting a black screen on startx command


I installed Debian Wheezy with the GNOME GUI, and then upgraded to Jessie using the terminal. After the upgrade was done, I tried logging out and logging back in, but it booted straight to command line view with no GUI. When I logged in and entered the startx command as root, all I got was a black screen. Do I need to manually update GNOME somehow, or is there another way to get to the GUI desktop? How do I change the boot parameters to boot to GUI by default?

Best Answer

You can check your runlevel (dictating whether you boot to console or gui) in /etc/inittab. A line like id:2:initdefault: means you're set to boot to gui by default.

You might be having a X problem. Check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log specifically looking for lines with (EE) which would indicate problems to investigate.

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