Debian – Installing VirtualBox Inside OpenVZ with Missing Sources


I'm attempting to install VirtualBox inside of an offsite OpenVZ instance I got a good deal on. The point being to run a small Windows XP box for some kind of Windows Server.

  • Yes, it's an experiment.
  • No, it's not for production.

It seems like everything would work fine, but the installer can't find my distro's sources. My instance has Debian 6 installed. Running uname -r gives me 2.6.32-042stab061.2. I've looked all through my apt-cache for anything similar, tried installing linux-sources-2.6.32 and a variety of linux-headers, but I'm having no luck.

Does anyone know how I can get the proper sources for this instance so VirtualBox can compile itself? Thanks.

Best Answer

In OpenVZ, you do not have any control over the kernel. This is because OpenVZ does not virtualize hardware, and is a "container", rather than a virtual machine on the host node. Since you will be unable to load modules into the host's kernel, this will not be possible.

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