Debian – How to use NMCLI to create a Wifi connection & connect to SSID over WPA



  • BeagleBone Black running Debian 7.7
  • nmcli tool, version

I tried some command examples to get started, however none helps me to add a connection and connect.


# nmcli dev
DEVICE     TYPE              STATE        
wlan0      802-11-wireless   disconnected     <====
usb0       802-3-ethernet    unmanaged    
eth0       802-3-ethernet    connected 


I have few

nmcli con    
NAME                      UUID                                   TYPE              TIMESTAMP-REAL                    
Wired connection 1        00000000-4a11-43d1-9252-4b92de0e75c3   802-3-ethernet    Thu Oct 23 05:46:02 2014          
WLAN-A69E22               29eeb2f6-cf80-0000-0000-d23733e97eb4   802-11-wireless   Thu Oct 30 16:06:14 2014          
Wireless connection 1     bfaa9524-a1d9-0000-8279-71a56720c06c   802-11-wireless   Wed Feb 24 02:33:55 2015          
Wireless connection 2     00000000-d5cc-411b-a62e-000000000000   802-11-wireless   Wed Oct 22 23:31:24 2014   


nmcli dev wifi list
SSID                              BSSID               MODE             FREQ       RATE       SIGNAL   SECURITY   ACTIVE  
'MAR'                       00:00:00:86:D0:22   Infrastructure   2462 MHz   54 MB/s    80       WEP        no      
'MYHOME'                    00:00:00:00:2D:16   Infrastructure   5180 MHz   44 MB/s    80       WPA WPA2   no

I'd like to add a new Wireless connection to SSID MYHOME using nmcli and I want to connect to it.

The docs I find don't seem to match my version of nmcli

For Fedora, I found out that the following would work see here

nmcli con add con-name MyCafe ifname wlan0 type wifi ssid MyCafe ip4 gw4



# nmcli con help
Usage: nmcli con { COMMAND | help }
  COMMAND := { list | status | up | down | delete }

  list [id <id> | uuid <id>]
  status [id <id> | uuid <id> | path <path>]
  up id <id> | uuid <id> [iface <iface>] [ap <BSSID>] [--nowait] [--timeout <timeout>]
  down id <id> | uuid <id>
  delete id <id> | uuid <id>


# nmcli dev help
Usage: nmcli dev { COMMAND | help }

  COMMAND := { status | list | disconnect | wifi }

  list [iface <iface>]
  disconnect iface <iface> [--nowait] [--timeout <timeout>]
  wifi [list [iface <iface>] [bssid <BSSID>]]

none seem to allow to create connections

A few outputs

nmcli -f GENERAL,WIFI-PROPERTIES dev list iface wlan0

GENERAL.DEVICE:                         wlan0
GENERAL.TYPE:                           802-11-wireless
GENERAL.VENDOR:                         Realtek
GENERAL.PRODUCT:                        802.11n NIC
GENERAL.DRIVER:                         rtl8812au
GENERAL.HWADDR:                         04:8D:38:0F:D9:32
GENERAL.STATE:                          30 (disconnected)
GENERAL.REASON:                         42 (The supplicant is now available)
GENERAL.UDI:                            /sys/devices/ocp.3/47400000.usb/
GENERAL.NM-MANAGED:                     yes
GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     not connected
WIFI-PROPERTIES.WEP:                    yes
WIFI-PROPERTIES.WPA:                    yes
WIFI-PROPERTIES.WPA2:                   yes
WIFI-PROPERTIES.TKIP:                   yes
WIFI-PROPERTIES.CCMP:                   yes

Best Answer

nmtui is an alternative command for nmcli which is based on Text User Interface

as root just type


enter image description here

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