Debian – how to send multiple attachment in 1 email using uuencode


I have a problem. I need to write a script that will find any file generated 1 day ago And then email it to certain mail-address from Tuesday to Sunday at 2 am?

The problem is my script finds the 3 correct files but either sends 3 different emails with single attachment or send 1 email without any attachment. How can I edit it to send multiple attachments in 1 email? It seems every file needs a 'uuencode' with it, so tried concating "uuencode" to the "filename"
and then add that variable to the command of ssmpt. Neither of the 2 version are really working.

How can I write the regular experession so that all the files found is emailed using 1 email. My current script just sends email with no attachment at all or 1 file per email.

Please help.

Here is what my script looks like:

Version 1: sends 1 email with no attachment:

dt=$(date --date yesterday "+%Y-%m-%d")

arr=($(find /root/Desktop/fileNAme -type f -name "${result}"))

for i in "${arr[@]}"
    value=" uuencode -e $i $(basename $i);"

echo -e "\nSubject:performance of teams on ${dt};"|(cat - && ${valueTotal};)|/usr/sbin/ssmtp

Version 2: sends 3 email with single attachment in each:

dt=$(date --date yesterday "+%Y-%m-%d")

arr=($(find /root/Desktop/fileNAme -type f -name "${result}"))

for i in "${arr[@]}"
    echo -e "\nSubject:performance of teams on ${dt}; mail    ${Count} of 3\n"|(cat - && uuencode $i;)|/usr/sbin/ssmtp

Best Answer

uuencode is the wrong tool for the job. (It was the right tool about 25 years ago, though, but has long been superseded by the MIME standard.)

On my Debian distribution a script can use the mail command directly. The man page for mail says, amongst other things, "-a file Attach the given file to the message". Here is an example that sends three attachments encoded using MIME.

echo 'Here is my email' |
    mail -s 'Test message' -a /etc/hosts -a /etc/group -a /etc/motd

I have not had time to check this next part, but it looks like munpack may be the tool to perform the reverse conversion, i.e. extract MIME attachments from an email back into files.

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