How to Make Bootable Debian USB on Mac


Their approach
does not work(everything goes fine but usb does not become bootable).
It also seems seems several years old and outdated. Other distos have large amouts of troubleshooting this issue, but not debian. Any advice how can I debug why my usb did not becamse Debian bootable after those procedures.

My steps were:

1)erase usb drive using disk utils and create FAT partition(i tried also exFAT and OSX Extended).

2) downloaded the iso and converted it to img:

hdiutil convert debian-8.4.0-i386-DVD-1.iso -format UDRW -o debian-8.4.0-i386-DVD-1.img

and renaming the result to remove the ".img" from name. I also tried to us UDTO instead of UDRW.

3) finding my usb location using diskutil list, it was /dev/disk2

4) unmounting the usb: diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2

5) dding the image: sudo dd if=debian-8.4.0-i386-DVD-1.img of=/dev/disk2 bs=1m

what took several hours. The result was the expected message that usb could not be read.

6) ejecting the usb with: diskutil eject /dev/disk2

The result was that the usb was not bootable – in the loading screen pressing alt button – the usb does not show.

Best Answer

Use unetbootin : Here is a tutorial for ubuntu but you can also use it for debian just change the image :

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