Debian – How to find package by directory


How can I find the package (in Debian) that contain a file with path that contains a certain substring?

Example: find all packages (installed or not) that contain a file with path that contains "/usr/share/xml/".

I have installed xsltproc and had no xml catalog for xhtml => it was looking for dtds over the net, being slow and ddosing W3C.

I knew that the catalog packages should be in /usr/share/xml/, but was unable to find packages that put files to the directory.

The search at looks only for suffixes of package file paths, not the substrings.

Best Answer

You can do this locally by installing apt-file:

sudo apt-get install apt-file
sudo apt-file update
apt-file search /usr/share/xml/

(depending on the version of Debian you're using, you may not need the apt-file update step).

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