Debian – How to create a bootable USB stick with Debian Squeeze


Using Ubuntu, I want to install Debian Squeeze on my PC with a bootable USB stick.
I found this tutorial:

Plug the usb key in order to find the device location:

$ df -k
/dev/sdb                244476    217968     26508  90% /media/xxx

It shows that /dev/sdb is my usb key. Then I unmount it

# umount /dev/sdb

Download these two files:

# cd /tmp/
# wget
# wget

Copy the first on the stick (it has to be umounted):

# zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdb

Then mount the stick and copy debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso onto it:

# mount /dev/sdb /mnt/
# cp /tmp/debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso /mnt/
# umount /mnt/

The USB key is now ready. Plug it on the computer to install, select in the BIOS USB for first boot device and start the Debian Squeeze installation.

In the step :

# cp /tmp/debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso /mnt/

the ISO file is just copied, not extracted – Is this correct?

Best Answer

That procedure has always worked for me. I tried using unetbootin with debian but for some reasons I was never able to make it work for Debian ISOs (strangely, it works without problems for other distros i've tried like Ubuntu, Finnix (both Debian based!) and CentOS).

But now, starting from Squeeze release, I found that the netinstall iso image works flawlessly from USB, too!

Download it and do

dd if=debian-*-netinst.iso of=/dev/sdX

where /dev/sdX is your USB stick.

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