Debian Package – How to Compile a Debian Package from Source


I use a tool called YUMI to create a USB boot device.

Its Debian package and its source can be downloaded from

I needed to change a file in source code to make the program fits my needs but now I don't how to compile it and install it afterwards.

I tried with dpkg but with no experience and it didn't work.

So, is there an easy way to compile and install a user-modified source code?

Best Answer

The easy way to compile a package from source is with dpkg-buildpackage. Make sure you have build-essential installed. And fakeroot as well. Then:

  1. All of this is done inside the package directory. If you're in the right directory, there should be a debian/ subdirectory, containing debian/control and debian/rules (and probably more stuff, too).
  2. Run dpkg-checkbuilddeps. Install any missing dependencies.
  3. Edit debian/changelog to add a new changelog entry, with a new version. Otherwise apt will be annoyed. Alternatively, install devscripts and use dch -l.
  4. Run dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc to build the binary package only, dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc to build binary and source packages.
  5. You should now have some new .deb files in the parent directory, ready to be installed with dpkg -i
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