Debian Repository – How to Add a Third-Party Repo and Key in Debian


I looked at another similar question about adding third-party repos. I am trying to add a third-party desktop IM client called riot . While the site gives link to the third-party it gives no instructions as how to add third-party sources or keyring in Debian. I went through and made the following additions in my /etc/apt/sources.list –

######## Third party repos #######
deb stretch main

Now I have two questions :-

a. Is the third-party repo. I have entered is correct or should I ask for more information from upstream.

b. How do I add the secure key as all packages are usually signed in the Debian Universe. The public key is given at

I am on Debian stretch/testing.

Best Answer

To add the key run:

sudo apt-key add repo-key.asc

The third-party repo is correct and compatible with the general format posted on debian wiki:

The entries in this file normally follow this format:

deb distribution component1 component2 component3
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