Debian – Find and install man file manually


I seem to be missing some man pages, notably gcc and g++. It doesn't help that I specify the section. whereis doesn't list man pages for those two, so I think they are simply not there.

With Google I get a lot, for example: (seems to be ordinary HTML though… or is it man page markup?)

I thought this would be a good opportunity to learn how to replace them manually. I guess I'm looking for a gcc.1.gz file?

Do I get it from GNU, from Debian, or could it be automated somehow? How much work is put into those files – if I get one, is it likely to be 99% correct or do they really differ a lot with time/architecture?

Best Answer

You should add the non-free and contrib repositories to your sources list and run apt-get update afterwards.

Now you can install the gcc-doc package which contains the man-pages with:

apt-get install gcc-doc

The problem is that the gcc documentation is released under the GNU Free Documentation License which is considered non-free by Debian.

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