Debian – Evince / document viwer keeps changing the print settings


using Debian testing, Xfce v4.12 here. My preferred PDF viewer, evince (or "document viewer" under Ubuntu? Don't know) keeps changing my print settings, even when I tell it not to:

  • Open PDF, set number of pages per sheet to 2, print
  • ~/.config/evince/print-settings is changed to reflect that
  • next time I want to print one page per sheet I forget and document is printed with 2 pages per sheet
  • sigh and print again with my "standard settings"

Attempted remedies:

  • tried to make ~/.config/evince/print-settings read-only (chmod 444), to no avail, permissions are set to 644 after printing
  • chown'ed the file to root:root, but after next print it
    is reset to USER:GROUP. What's going on?

How do I prevent changes to this file, while still being able to use other settings every now and then?


Best Answer

I had the same problem and also setting ~/.config/evince/print-setting didn't work. However I solved the problem for me by setting the directory read only: chmod a-w ~/.config/evince. This may be have some sideeffects but I didn't observe any yet.

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