Debian – Disable KVM Kernel Module while its still in use


In order to run a virtual machine, VirtualBox tells me to disable the KVM kernel module. I googled around and found out that KVM is included in the qemu-*-packages, but none of them is/was installed on my system (Debian Wheezy).

After that I simply tried to unload the module, but this doesn't want to work because it is in use:

# modprobe -r kvm_intel
FATAL: Module kvm_intel is in use.
# modprobe -r kvm
FATAL: Module kvm is in use.

I don't know what program is using it and I have really no idea what that could be. I also tried with the -f option but I get the same result.

My question is: How can I remove or disable the KVM Kernel module?


Here is the output of the lsmod command:

# lsmod | grep kvm
kvm_intel             138825  3 
kvm                   404853  1 kvm_intel

Best Answer

As you noticed, there was an application using the module. The KVM module actually presents (part of) its functionality through the/dev/kvm device file. So find out what application is using it - e.g. with

$ lsof | grep /dev/kvm
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