Debian – Configure touchscreen on Debian

debiantouch screen

I have got Samsung Q1 Ultra with Debian Squeeze on it. Everything works okay, except touchscreen.

The arrow almost does not respond to touching — it only moves once in a while to a random place after the screen being touched.

I have tried to calibrate the screen using xinput-calibrate, but it did not do anything, as the arrow did not respond to touching.

X11 generates configuration on start up, so I don't have Xorg.conf to append, but I have /user/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.

Should I try a different driver (if there are others)? Or is there some configuration that needs to be done? Or what might be wrong?

Best Answer

Following this page, Debian support for touchscreen is incomplete/under development.
You need to play a lot, and upgrade your Debian at least to wheezy (or maybe jessie).

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