Debian – Changing timezone on Debian keeps Local Time in UTC


I'm trying to get programs to log in local time for my own sanity.

I have updated my timezone with:

 dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

But the result of that command is:

Current default time zone: 'Australia/Adelaide'
Local time is now:      Mon May 20 03:09:52 UTC 2013.
Universal Time is now:  Mon May 20 03:09:52 UTC 2013.

Notice the UTC in Local time

Any reason why this may be?

I have done a lot of Googling but my problem seems different to all of them 🙁

Here are some more details:

# cat /etc/timezone

# date
Mon May 20 03:41:06 UTC 2013

# export TZ='Australia/Adelaide'; date
Mon May 20 13:16:11 CST 2013

Setting export TZ='Australia/Adelaide'; in my /etc/profile makes date work by default in a bash session but does not change the system log date (after restarting the service)


# ls -l /etc/localtime
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 May 10 14:48 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/

# ls /etc/localtime/
Adelaide    Chile    GMT        Japan      PST8PDT    Universal
Africa      Cuba     GMT+0      Kwajalein  Pacific    W-SU
America     EET      GMT-0      Libya      Poland     WET
Antarctica  EST      GMT0       MET        Portugal   Zulu
Arctic      EST5EDT  Greenwich  MST        ROC
Asia        Egypt    HST        MST7MDT    ROK        localtime
Atlantic    Eire     Hongkong   Mexico     Singapore  localtime.dpkg-new
Australia   Etc      Iceland    Mideast    SystemV    posix
Brazil      Europe   Indian     NZ         Turkey     posixrules
CET         Factory  Iran       NZ-CHAT    UCT        right
CST6CDT     GB       Israel     Navajo     US
Canada      GB-Eire  Jamaica    PRC        UTC


Worked it out thanks to jamzed. for some reason I had /etc/localtime as a symlink… the IT Guy here set up the server using Turnkey 12 so maybe that was the problem.

# mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.old
# cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Adelaide /etc/localtime
# date
Thu May 23 09:36:17 CST 2013

Best Answer

Try this way:

$ sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Adelaide /etc/localtime
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