Debian – Changelog of deb package


I'm using dpkg -b to build packages with python scripts. (DEBIAN format).

In the DEBIAN folder I'have added the following files:


The changelog is using the right format.

7zrecover (1.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)

 -- Lars Wirzenius <>  Thu, 18 Nov 2010 17:25:32 +0000

When I install the package, and I try to display the changelog, I always get

This change is not coming from a source that supports changelogs.

Failed to fetch the changelog for 7zrecover
URI was: http:/// . changelog

(the URI is .///. Changelog, the site does not let me post it right)

"This change is not coming from a source that supports changelogs." is there anyway to fix this?

I was thinking in redirect the source to the computer, and putting a changelog at /usr/share/doc/7zrecover/

Best Answer

This change is not coming from a source that supports changelogs. is there anyway to fix this?

You need to upload your package to a repository. Locally installed packages don't offer this structure. If you want to check the changelog of a locally created package, you need to check the /usr/share/doc/<package>/changelog.Debian.gz files. That's where it get stored locally.

According to the Policy:

Packages that are not Debian-native must contain a compressed copy of the debian/changelog file from the Debian source tree in /usr/share/doc/package with the name changelog.Debian.gz.

So, if your package doesn't have it, then there's something wrong with the way you created your package, since dpkg-buildpackage follow this.

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