Debian – adding a sudoer in debian


After a long search on the web, trying everything I can find I came to ask you guys, how can I add an existing user to be a sudoer?

I've tried

usermod -a -G sudo user

and also

adduser user

both while in root…
the first one didn't work at all and the second one supposedly added 'user' to sudoers but when I try to run sudo with that user it says:
user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

When I run adduser again, it says the user 'user' is already a member of 'sudo'.

what can I do???

-EDIT: for clarification, I do want the user to be prompted for a password when trying to run sudo. currently when the user is running sudo he is being prompted for a password and then he gets "user is not in sudoers file…."
I wand him to be able to run sudo, be prompted and then escalate the privilege.

Best Answer

As root edit /etc/sudoers and place the following line:

youruser    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL


# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
%sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

In this way you will be capable to execute all commands that require sudo privileges passwordless.

In order to use sudo and be prompted for a password you need to remove

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