Debian APT – Resolving Missing Dependencies When Installing Software

aptdebiansoftware installation

I have problem with missing dependencies, when I try to install some software by apt-get and also from downloaded .deb files.

I am using Debian 10. After installation I removed a lot of software which I no needed eg. Deluge, some terminals (I have only LXTerminal now), some tools from Libre Office Packet etc.

Now, when I try to install Atom, TeamViewer, or some RDP tools, every time I got information about missing unresolved dependencies, common it is libgconf, libcurl etc.

How can I resolve this issue? Now I can not install a lot of must have software, and when I try to apt-get install this packets, I got error, that no libs with this name were found.

Here is my sources.list. Maybe it will be some tip to fix this problem:

deb buster/updates non-free contrib main deb-src 
deb-src buster/updates non-free contrib main deb-src 

deb buster-backports main contrib non-free 
deb-src buster-backports non-free contrib main 

deb stretch main contrib non-free
deb-src stretch main contrib non-free

Stretch repos were added for test purposes, but when I comment them, it looks the same.

Best Answer

You need to add the main Debian 10 repository to your sources.list:

deb buster main contrib non-free 
deb-src buster non-free contrib main 

You should also remove the Debian 9 lines (Stretch).

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