Debian 9, APT, and “GPG error: … InRelease: The following signatures were invalid:”


I publish a Debian repository. It was signed with a 4096-bit GPG key, and has been merrily in use from Debian 7 and Debian 8 systems for some time. Recently, one of my users reported that Debian 9 was having problems with it. Specifically, apt-get update was yielding:

Reading package lists... Done
   W: GPG error: stable InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: A71733F3CEBD655CB25A0DDCE1E3A497555CE68F
   W: The repository ' stable InRelease' is not signed.

Note that unlike the people at "Repo APT secure – apt-get update GPG signature were invalid" and "Frustrated with aptly and GPG signing" I am not using aptly. So clearly I am not suffering from an aptly bug of any kind. (-:

So what is the problem?

Best Answer

The cause of the problem is that with no update to the Debian wiki or other similar doco, and pretty much only a couple of largely Ubuntu-related announcements on a non-Debian personal WWW site, support for keys that state a preference for SHA-1 encryption has been turned off in APT as of Debian 9. (Specifically, it was turned off in APT version 1.4~beta1, and Debian 9 has version 1.4.7.)

So a repository publisher needs to do two things:

  • Adjust the personal-digest-preferences and personal-cipher-preferences in $HOME/.gnupg/gpg.conf to eliminate SHA-1 from one's GPG preferences. This prevents the problem coming back with new keys.
  • Adjust the preferences that are contained in the current repository signing key to eliminate SHA-1 from there too. For that one needs to:
    • Run
      gpg --edit-key "${key_fingerprint}"
      substituting the appropriate key fingerprint, then edit the key preferences with the pref and setpref commands, then save the key to the keyring.
    • Export the public key of the updated key from the keyring to a file.
    • Re-sign the repository with the modified signing key.
    • Publish the updated signing key's public key file.

Note that it is not necessary to generate a new signing key, and that the updated key with SHA-1 removed will continue to interoperate with the older Debian 8 APT.

Further reading

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