Debian – Apt-Get Autoremove Will Not Remove Dependencies in Debian 9.1


enter image description here

as can be seen from the screenshot, I installed checkinstall and it came with lots of new dependent packages.

When I ran:

sudo apt-get purge checkinstall

only checkinstall was deleted. I then ran:

sudo apt-get autoremove

to delete the new packages but nothing was deleted.

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? Thanks

PS. please ignore the folder ubuntu. it's just a directory name. I'm really using Stretch

edit1: output of aptitude why binutils build-essential

enter image description here

Best Answer

By default, apt-get autoremove is very conservative, which results in the behaviour you’re seeing. While apt-get install only considers direct dependencies and recommendations by default, apt-get autoremove also considers suggestions (very weak dependencies). This is asymmetric and means that by default, apt-get autoremove won’t necessarily fully undo a package installation.

Thus in your case, installing checkinstall pulled in a number of packages, all of which end up somehow considered non-removable by apt-get autoremove; for example, build-essential is kept because apt (which is definitely necessary) suggests dpkg-dev, which recommends build-essential. You’ll find relationships of this kind for every package pulled in by checkinstall.

To fix this, you can add

Apt::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant "false" ;

With this setting, apt-get autoremove will find more packages to remove. Since your system is newly installed, it should be safe (by that I mean that the asymmetry mentioned above won’t cause many surprises, because you haven’t installed many packages); but do examine the list of packages it’s going to remove before actually removing them!

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