Dd: multiple input files


I need to concatenate chunks from two files:

if I needed concatenate whole files, I could simply do

cat file1 file2 > output

But I need to skip first 1MB from the first file, and I only want 10 MB from the second file. Sounds like a job for dd.

dd if=file1 bs=1M count=99 skip=1 of=temp1
dd if=file2 bs=1M count=10 of=temp2
cat temp1 temp2 > final_output

Is there a possibility to do this in one step? ie, without the need to save the intermediate results? Can I use multiple input files in dd ?

Best Answer

dd can write to stdout too.

( dd if=file1 bs=1M count=99 skip=1
  dd if=file2 bs=1M count=10  ) > final_output
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