Sysctl Parameters – How to Customize Sysctl Parameters by User


I know there's *.conf file in /usr/lib/sysctl.d and/or /etc/sysctl.d folders ready to establish kernel parameters on boot. But they are general;
what I want is to customize some of these parameters (say, net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all) depending on the user who is in, but I want per-user kernel parameters.
Is it possible or what I'm saying is a complete silliness?

Best Answer

What @Tomasz says it's true: those are kernel parameters, so they are "unique"!

Anyway, you can achieve some result with that limit the OP, @Osqui doesn't say users are simultaneously logged in...

by sketching out a script executed when users login/logout using the sysctl command

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