CUPS prints documents scaled so printouts appear huge and cropped from right and bottom


In localhost:631/printers in the "Make and model" column, CUPS correctly identifies my printer as:

HP LaserJet 2100 – CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.10

This is what I want to get printed:

What I want

Here is roughly how the printout looks:

enter image description here

The document is scaled and aligned to the left and top.

I tried fiddling with settings in the sytem printing dialog, but nothing helped. I tried printing without the system dialog, using lpr utility — same result.

However, if I print a test page, it prints out perfectly without upscaling.

How can I fix this scaling issue?

Best Answer

I had a similar problem and found it useful to turn off cups printer option fitplot as follows (these are instructions for Linux Mint 17, but should work for similar distributions.)

Open a terminal and edit the printer.conf file.

sudo vi /etc/cups/printer.conf

find the line that contains Option fitplot True

and change that line to now contain Option fitplot False

now save the file which you have just edited.

Now restart cupsd via command

sudo service cups restart
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