Cron – Running Job Every 15 Seconds


Could you advise me what to write in crontab so that it runs some job (for testing I will use /usr/bin/chromium-browser) every 15 seconds?

Best Answer

You can't go below one minute granularity with cron. What you can do is, every minute, run a script that runs your job, waits 15 seconds and repeats. The following crontab line will start some_job every 15 seconds.

* * * * * for i in 0 1 2; do some_job & sleep 15; done; some_job

This script assumes that the job will never take more than 15 seconds. The following slightly more complex script takes care of not running the next instance if one took too long to run. It relies on date supporting the %s format (e.g. GNU or Busybox, so you'll be ok on Linux). If you put it directly in a crontab, note that % characters must be written as \% in a crontab line.

end=$(($(date +%s) + 45))
while true; do
  some_job &
  [ $(date +%s) -ge $end ] && break
  sleep 15
[ $(date +%s) -ge $(($end + 15)) ] || some_job

I will however note that if you need to run a job as often as every 15 seconds, cron is probably the wrong approach. Although unices are good with short-lived processes, the overhead of launching a program every 15 seconds might be non-negligible (depending on how demanding the program is). Can't you run your application all the time and have it execute its task every 15 seconds?

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