AWK – Count Occurrences of Column Value in TSV File


I have a TSV tab-separated file with 3 cols:


To print the TYPE column I do

cat /dataset.csv | awk -F $'\t' '{print $3}'

Those values are an enumeration of values like {CLASS_A,CLASS_B,CLASS_C}, etc.

I need a inline way with AWK to count the number of occurrences (NF?) of the column TYPE when matching each value in the enumeration to obtain:

CLASS_A 1300


According to the solutions below, I'm putting here my last version of this script



awk -v col="$COL" -F $'\t' '   {c[$col]++}
                     for (i in c) printf("%s\t%s\n",i,c[i])
                 }' $FILE

and the usage to count occurrences of rows in col 3 is

$ ./ 3 /myfile.csv

Best Answer

There is no need to use cat to read the file. AWK is perfectly capable to read it.

A core c[$3]++ statement should get the count of lines of each type.
Then, at the end, just print (as tab separated values) all the counts:


awk -F '\t' '   {c[$3]++}
                     for (i in c) printf("%s\t%s\n",i,c[i])
                 }' dataset.csv 


Given the comment from the OP that:

I get some issues for colums that have quotes like that doesn\'t mean that you\'re not worth remembering think of the people who need to know they need to know so you need ​to show.... In this case the parsing on \t will fail.

I got to review the answer. I created this file:

$ cat dataset.csv 
1233    that doesn\'t mean that you\'re not worth remembering think of the people who need to know they need to know so you need to show...    CLASS_0
1234    here    CLASS_A
1235    goes the values CLASS_B
1236    "that need counting"    CLASS_B
1237    "\like \this"   CLASS_B
1238    \or \this       CLASS_C
1239    including spaces        CLASS_B
1240    but not tabs    CLASS_A
1241    which could not work    CLASS_B
1242    finally CLASS_C
1243    this is CLASS_A
1244    over    CLASS_B
1245    988     CLASS_C

That file, when used with the script, gives the correct result:

$ ./script

Which is the correct result.

Of course, the file

  1. has the correct amount of tabs for 3 fields, and
  2. variables are correctly quoted when expanded and are not in upper case.

To test that a file does comply with the first requirement, you may use this script:



<"$filetoread" tr -dc '\t\n' |
    awk '(length!=2){printf("Error in line: %s, has %s tabs\n",NR,length)}'

awk -F '\t' '(NF!=3){printf("Error in line: %s, has %s fields\n",NR,NF)}' "$filetoread"

Which checks that there are exactly two tabs per line, and
That the number of fields (as seen by awk) are actually three.

Adding a couple of test lines:

… …
1239    including spaces        CLASS_B
1       but not     tabs    CLASS_A
2       but not \ttabs  CLASS_A
1240    but not tabs    CLASS_A
… …

And running the script above:

$ ./script 3 dataset.csv
Error in line: 8, has 4 tabs
Error in line: 8, has 5 fields

detects the line ID 1 that has four tabs (two added) and doesn't get fooled by line ID 2 with a \t.

As for the quoting and use of variables, that is something you should improve all by yourself.

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