Copying newer files only


I have a simple shell script. What i'd like to do, is copy the files in /home/imp/imp/msgs/ to /home/imp/imp/msgs/bak/, but only if they are newer in the source directory than the destination directory.

cp /home/imp/imp/msgs/*.MIX /home/imp/imp/msgs/bak/
cp /home/imp/imp/msgs/*.BRD /home/imp/imp/msgs/bak/

I tried cp -u, but it doesn't seem to work for me.

Best Answer

You can use rsync with the pattern *.MIX and *.BRD, e.g

rsync -avm --include='*.MIX' --include='*.BRD' --exclude='*' /home/imp/imp/msgs/ /home/imp/imp/msgs/bak/