Copying files from one directory to another


I have to copy a set of files from one folder to another folder and I'm using the following command:

cp -rf `head -n 100 /home/tmp/abc.txt` /home/tmp/test/files

the file contents in abc.txt is like:


But while executing the above cp command I'm getting:

cp: will not overwrite just-created `/home/tmp/test/files/example.tar.gz' with `./folder3 /example.tar.gz'
cp: will not overwrite just-created `/home/tmp/test/files/example.tar.gz' with `./folder1/example.tar.gz'

I can understand that because the name of the .gz files are the same that are showing in the error. What I want to do is to have the same folder structure inside /home/tmp/test/files as listed in abc.txt, like:


But I'm getting only one example.tar.gz inside files folder after executing the above cp command.

So what is the way to get what I mentioned above?

Best Answer

cp won't work

Your example as it stands will not work because copy doesn't copy directory structures, it will only copy the files, hence the error message you're encountering. To do a deep copy such as this you can enlist either the tar command and use the construct tar cvf - --files-from=... | (cd /home/tmp/test/files/; tar xvf -) or you can just use rsync.


If I were you I'd use rsync to do this like so:

$ rsync -avz --files-from=abc.txt /src /home/tmp/test/files/.

If you only want the 1st 100 lines from file abc.txt you can do this:

$ rsync -avz --files-from=<(head -n 100 abc.txt) /src /home/tmp/test/files/.


Sample folder data:

$ tree /home/saml/tmp/folder*
`-- example.tar.gz
`-- example.tar.gz
`-- example.tar.gz

Now copy the files:

$ rsync -avz --files-from=<(head -n 3 /home/saml/tmp/abc.txt) \
         /home/saml/tmp/. /home/saml/tmp/test/files/.
building file list ... done

sent 3147093 bytes  received 81 bytes  6294348.00 bytes/sec
total size is 3145728  speedup is 1.00

Confirm they were copied:

$ tree /home/saml/tmp/test/files
|-- folder1
|   `-- example.tar.gz
|-- folder2
|   `-- example.tar.gz
`-- folder3
    `-- example.tar.gz


If you interested here's how you do it using just tar.

$ cd /home/saml/tmp
$ tar cvf - --files-from=<(head -n 3 /home/saml/tmp/abc.txt) | (cd /home/saml/tmp/test/files/; tar xvf -)

Confirm that it copied:

$ tree /home/saml/tmp/test/files
|-- folder1
|   `-- example.tar.gz
|-- folder2
|   `-- example.tar.gz
`-- folder3
    `-- example.tar.gz
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