Converting date timestamp from 12 hour into 24 using awk

awkmawktext processing

I am working with a csv file which contains data in the following structure:

"12345","BLAH","DEDA","0.000","1.111","2.22222","3.3333333,"15/12/2017 4:26:00 PM"

I want to convert the 12 hour time into 24 hour time.
The following shows what I am trying to achieve in the end:

"12345","BLAH","DEDA","0.000","1.111","2.22222","3.3333333,"15/12/2017 16:26:00"

I found the following answer to a question which seems to solve the conversion of the time segment of my problem.

So with the above, I believe I must do the following process (There is probably a more efficient method):

  1. Temporarily separate the date and time into there own records

    "12345","BLAH","DEDA","0.000","1.111","2.22222","3.3333333,"15/12/2017","4:26:00 PM"

  2. Target the time record and convert it into my desired 24 hour format
  3. Concatenate the date and time records back into a single record

I am trying to achieve this using awk and am stuck on the first section! Is awk to right tool for this job, or would you recommend a different tool?

I'm starting with step 1. I can't even successfully target the date!

awk 'BEGIN {FS=","} { gsub(/[0-9]\{2\}\/[0-9]\{2\}\/[0-9]\{4\}/, "TESTING"); print }' myfile.csv

Best Answer

I'd use perl here:

perl -pe 's{\b(\d{1,2})(:\d\d:\d\d) ([AP])M\b}{
  $1 + 12 * (($3 eq "P") - ($1 == 12)) . $2}ge'

That is add 12 to the hour part if PM (except for 12PM) and change 12AM to 0.

With awk, not doing the word-boundary part (so could give false positives on 123:21:99 AMERICA for instance) and assuming there's only one occurrence per line:

awk '
  match($0, /[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} [AP]M/) {
    split(substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH), parts, /[: ]/)
    if (parts[4] == "PM" && parts[1] != 12) parts[1] += 12
    if (parts[4] == "AM" && parts[1] == 12) parts[1] = 0

    $0 = substr($0, 1, RSTART - 1) \
         parts[1] ":" parts[2] ":" parts[3] \
         substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH)
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