Convert JSON Table Arrays to Objects with jq

jqjsontext processing

I am trying to convert a json structure that key1: array of values, key2: array of values ,…. to an array of objects. The size of arrays is same and each object is just aggregate of items at position x in each array.
Need help converting this preferably with generic code with jq.


  "IdentifierName": [
  "Code": [

Expected Output

    "IdentifierName": "A",
    "Code": 5
    "IdentifierName": "B",
    "Code": 8
    "IdentifierName": "C",
    "Code": 19

progress so far:

jq 'to_entries|map(.key) as $keys| (map(.value)|transpose) as $values |$values|map($keys, .)'

The last step is to somehow index with the keys into the values that I am still unable to get right.

Best Answer

Answering my own question:

jq 'to_entries|map(.key) as $keys| (map(.value)|transpose) as $values |$values|map([$keys, .] | transpose| map( {(.[0]): .[1]} ) | add)'

Explanation: Extract keys ["IdentifierName", "Code"] and values as [ [ "A", 5 ], [ "B", 8 ], [ "C", 19 ] ]
Then to index from keys to values, take json-seq of key-tuple with (each) value tuple and transpose and zip them in pairs.

 echo '[[
]'|jq '.|transpose| map( {(.[0]): .[1]} ) | add'

Combining both gives solution. This will work for any number of elements (0 and 1 are just key and value, not first and second).

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