Pipe – Continuous Reading from Named Pipe Using Cat or Tail -f


I have configured rsyslog to log certain log events to /dev/xconsole:

*.*;cron.!=info;mail.!=info      |/dev/xconsole

/dev/xconsole is a named pipe (fifo). If I want to see what is being logged, I can do cat /dev/xconsole. I am surprised to see, that the command cat /dev/xconsole does not finish after reading the file, but instead acts as tail -f. in other words, the two commands behave the same:

cat /dev/xconsole
tail -f /dev/xconsole

Can somebody please explain why is that?

Is there any difference between the two?

Best Answer

cat keeps reading until it gets EOF. A pipe produces EOF on the output only when it gets EOF on the input. The logging daemon is opening the file, writing to it, and keeping it open — just like it does for a regular file — so EOF is never generated on the output. cat just keeps reading, blocking whenever it exhausts what's currently in the pipe.

You can try this out yourself manually:

$ mkfifo test
$ cat test

And in another terminal:

$ cat > test

There will be output in the other terminal. Then:


There will be more output in the other terminal. If you now Ctrl-D the input then the other cat will terminate too.

In this case, the only observable difference between cat and tail -f will be if the logging daemon is terminated or restarted: cat will stop permanently when the write end of the pipe is closed, but tail -f will keep going (reopening the file) when the daemon is restarted.

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