Continuous pinching zoom on touchpad with libinput-gestures


I have an Elantech touchpad, and am working on i3wm on Manjaro.

I am using libinput-gestures to define pinching gestures in the following way : (~/.config/libinput-gestures.conf)

# Zoom View In (Works in quite a few apps: Browser, Files, photos, etc...)
gesture: pinch out xdotool key control+shift+plus

# Zoom View Out (Works in quite a few apps: Browser, Files, photos, etc...)
gesture: pinch in xdotool key control+minus

However this behaves in a discrete way. That is that the zoom is not continuous but incremental on my firefox browser for instance.
Is there a way to configure libinput-gestures to pinch-zoom in a continuous way ?


Best Answer

Not a solution based on libinput-gestures, but I founnd that fusuma has settings for threshold and interval.

Right now my config is like

    shortcut: 'ctrl+shift+plus'
    shortcut: 'ctrl+minus'

  swipe: 0.5
  pinch: 0.2

  swipe: 1 
  pinch: 0.2

However the zoom in gesture is hardly detected, I have to use three fingers to make sure it is not locked as a swipe up/down.

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