D-Bus Network – Connect with D-Bus in a Network Namespace


I am using network namespaces such that I can capture network traffic of a single process. The namespace is connected through the "host" via a veth pair and has network connectivity through NAT. So far this works for IP traffic and named Unix domain sockets.

A problem arises when a program needs to communicate with the D-Bus session bus. The D-Bus daemon listens on an abstract socket as specified with this environment variable:


It appears that the abstract Unix domain socket namespace is different in the namespace. Is there a way to get access to this D-Bus session from the network namespace?

Best Answer

Connecting to a DBus daemon listening on an abstract Unix socket in a different network namespace is not possible. Such addresses can be identified in ss -x via an address that contains a @:

u_str  ESTAB      0      0      @/tmp/dbus-t00hzZWBDm 11204746              * 11210618           

As a workaround, you can create a non-abstract Unix or IP socket which proxies to the abstract Unix socket. This is to be done outside the network namespace. From within the network namespace, you can then connect to that address. E.g. assuming the above abstract socket address, run this outside the namespace:

socat UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/whatever,fork ABSTRACT-CONNECT:/tmp/dbus-t00hzZWBDm

Then from within the namespace you can connect by setting this environment variable:

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