Wayland – Configure Extra Mouse Button as Second Middle Click


I use a 10-button mouse (Logitech M705). Under X11, I was able to configure one of the extra buttons to behave as a second middle-click by modifying files in etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.

Under Wayland, this no longer works. My research shows that I need to do something with libinput. I thought this would be a common problem but can't find an answer anywhere.

Can someone explain how to remap mouse buttons or explain why it can't be done?

Best Answer

Remapping buttons if you're running Wayland could be done like this:

  1. Run xev | grep button to log mouse click events and get the number of the event by f.e clicking in the window. In my case, middle button is:

    state 0x10, button 2, same_screen YES

    and I want to map it on:

    state 0x10, button 13, same_screen YES
  2. Then run xinput --list and find your pointer device, mine is:

    Logitech Performance MX  id=9  [slave pointer  (2)]
  3. xinput get-button-map 9 returns:

    1 2 3 4 ... 20
  4. xinput set-button-map:

    $ xinput set-button-map 9  1 13 3 4 .. 12 2 14 .. 20

NOTE: replace the number 9 for the number returned by id=

And if that key's behavior is defined, your event is mapped. If it is not, that's a little bit different issue. Under Wayland TBH I haven't found a way for executing a command on an event (which is pretty easy with Xorg's xbindkeys) and therefore fully customizing behavior of key and mouse event.. I believe Wayland is trying to be more secure and disables this behavior.

In any case, you still have the opportunity to switch to Xorg pretty easily and enjoy the functionality.

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