Concatenating fields from lines with different numbers of fields

awksedtext processing

Given input like this:

x y a b c t
p q w w t
a b c d
p q r

I'd like to concatenate fields from field 3 up to but not including the last one. If field 3 is the last field, I'd like to insert a placeholder. So given the input above, this is the preferred output:

x y a_b_c t
p q w_w t
a b c d
p q _ r

The end result is that all lines will have four fields. Is this possible in awk or cut or sed, etc?

Best Answer

awk '{
  s = m = ""
  for (i = 3; i < NF; i++) {m = m s $i; s = "_"}
  if (m == "") m = "_"
  print $1, $2, m, $NF}'
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