Compute bcrypt hash from command line


I would like to compute the bcrypt hash of my password.

Is there an open source command line tool that would do that ?

I would use this hash in the Syncthing configuration file (even if I know from here that I can reset the password by editing the config file to remove the user and password in the gui section, then restart Syncthing).

Best Answer

You can (ab)use htpasswd from apache-utils package, provided you have version 2.4 or higher.

htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" password | tr -d ':\n'

-b takes the password from the second command argument
-n prints the hash to stdout instead of writing it to a file
-B instructs to use bcrypt
-C 10 sets the bcrypt cost to 10

The bare htpasswd command outputs in format <name>:<hash> followed by two newlines. Hence the empty string for name and tr stripping the colon and newlines.

The command outputs bcrypt with $2y$ prefix, which may be problem for some uses, but can easily be fixed by another sed since the OpenBSD variant using $2a$ is compatible with the fixed crypt_blowfish variant using $2y$.

htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" password | tr -d ':\n' | sed 's/$2y/$2a/'

Link to htpasswd man page:
Details about bcrypt variants:

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