Complete view of where the PATH variable is set in bash


I've read in a couple of places that the PATH is set in /etc/profile or the .profile file that's in the home dir.

Are these the only places that the path is set in? I want a better understanding of it.

In the /etc/profile file, as the following comment says "system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shell". Does that mean that profile files are the main configuration files for bash?

In that file I don't see the PATH var being set at all. In the .profile file in the home directory there's this line:


That's resetting PATH by the looks because it's concatenating the already set $PATH string with $HOME/bin: right? But if etc/profile and ~/.profile are the only files setting PATH where is $PATH coming from in that line of code if it's not defined in /etc/profile?

Can someone experienced please give a broad and detailed explanation of the PATH variable? Thanks!

Best Answer

There are many places where PATH can be set.

The login program sets it to a default value. How this default value is configured is system-dependent. On most non-embedded Linux systems, it's taken from /etc/login.defs, with different values for root and for other users. Consult the login(1) manual on your system to find out what it does.

On systems using PAM, specifically the pam_env module, environment variables can be set in the system-wide file /etc/environment and the per-user file ~/.pam_environment.

Then most ways to log in (but not cron jobs) execute a login shell which reads system-wide and per-user configuration files. These files can modify the value of PATH, typically to add entries but sometimes in other ways. Which files are read depend on what the login shell is. Bourne/POSIX-style shells read /etc/profile and ~/.profile. Bash reads /etc/profile, but for the per-user file it only reads the first existing file among ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login and ~/.profile. Zsh reads /etc/zshenv, ~/.zshenv, /etc/zprofile, ~/.zprofile, /etc/zlogin and ~/.zlogin. Many GUI sessions arrange to load /etc/profile and ~/.profile, but this depends on the display manager, on the desktop environment or other session startup script, and how each distribution has set these up.

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