Complete language abbreviation list for vim’s `set spelllang` option


I'm starting using vim's spell check function today. But seems it treat Chinese characters as wrong spell word.

Thus I did a little research, and find I should use set spelllang=X option.

But the thing is, I don't know what's the vim abbreviation for Chinese here. I tried zh and cn, both failed.

I did some searching on google, no result, either.

Does someone know in which file, web-page or help command resides this abbreviation reference list for all languages in spelllang option?

Best Answer

The built-in spellfile.vim script will attempt to download missing spell files from

In general, spell checking is not supported for East Asian languages like Chinese and Japanese, because individual words are not separated by whitespace, so a different algorithm would be needed.

You probably want to

:set spelllang+=cjk

to avoid highlighting those. From :help 'spelllang':

If the name "cjk" is included East Asian characters are excluded from spell checking. This is useful when editing text that also has Asian words.

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