Compiling old solaris programs under Linux


I've got sources for a program developed under Solaris in ANSI-C. I am told it was developed around 1996-1997. I'm currently struggling with compiling it under a current Ubuntu. I got pretty far and I think only the GUI is still missing. They used a library called guide for this it seems. Does anyone know, if this library still exists somewhere?

The relevant parts of the Makefile:

INCL    = -I$(GUIDEHOME)/include -I$(OPENWINHOME)/include
LIB     = -lguide -lguidexv -lxview -lolgx -lX -lm
TAG     = -target sun4

Best Answer

As msw says, it appears that your application wants to use the OpenWindows and Xview libraries that were provided in older Sun systems.

I believe they're not even around on newer Solaris installs anymore, but the free software projects OpenWindows Augmented Compatibility Environment and The XView Toolkit may provide compatible-enough implementations of these libraries on newer systems.

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