Command to remove a portion of JSON data from each line

jsonstringtext processing

I have test.json file with different lengths of rows. Some fictitious example:

{ a: 123, b: sd, c: x45, d: 1, e: '' }
{ a: 5, b: bfgg, c: x4c, d: 31, e: '' }

I want to cut the whole substring after d – part and get back just for every line:

{ a: 123, b: sd, c: x45 }
{ a: 5, b: bfgg, c: x4c }

I found here a similar question and tried to adapt my problem to it:

echo test.json |  sed 's/. d:/' > newtest.json

I need to do it for the whole file, not only one line.

Best Answer

sed '/d:/s/, d:[^}]*/ /' test.json

it will walk through the whole file and remove on each line with d: all , d:.* part till } symbol (} symbol will stay on the line).

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