Cat – Command to Output File Content to Stdout


I know cat can do this, but its main purpose is to concatenate rather than just displaying the content.

I also know about less and more, but I'm looking for something simple (not a pager) that just outputs the content of a file to the terminal and it's made specifically for this, if there is such thing.

Best Answer

The most obvious one is cat. But, also have a look at head and tail. There are also other shell utillities to print a file line by line: sed, awk, grep. But those are to alternate the file content or to search inside the file.

I made a few tests to estimate which is the most effective one. I run all trough strace to see which made the least system calls. My file has 1275 lines.

  • awk: 1355 system calls
  • cat: 51 system calls
  • grep: 1337 system calls
  • head: 93 system calls
  • tail: 130 system calls
  • sed: 1378 system calls

As you can see, even if cat was designed to concatenate files, it is the fastest and most effective one. sed, awk and grep printed the file line by line, that why they have more that 1275 system calls.

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