Command-line tool for a single download of a torrent (like wget or curl)

bittorrentcommand linedownloadProtocolswget

I'm interested in a single command that would download the contents of a torrent (and perhaps participate as a seed following the download, until I stop it).

Usually, there is a torrent-client daemon which should be started separately beforehand, and a client to control (like transmission-remote).

But I'm looking for the simplicity of wget or curl: give one command, get the result after a while.

Best Answer

Check out transmission-cli. The usage is as simple as running transmission-cli <torrent-file>, but you can obviously tune it to your needs with several options.

Just a side comment:

Actually you could use many other options, apart from transmission-cli and there will probably appear many other suggestions here (like deluge by Benjamin B. in the comments). I've read somewhere that any well-behaved program should be written so that it can be controlled via command line and the GUI is only an addition to that -- an interface to make the program easier or more convenient to use.